Family Circle Easy Knitting Fall 1999

Family Circle Easy Knitting Fall 1999

Patterns #4 and 6

Clarification of pattern stitch:
K3tog and pull through a lp onto the RH needle but do not drop the 3 sts from the LH needle, then p3tog (the same 3 sts) and pull through a lp onto the RH needle but do not drop the 3 sts from the LH needle, then k3tog (the same 3 sts) and pull through a lp onto the RH needle and now drop the 3 sts from the LH needle. The st count does not change.

Pattern #28

Sleeve shaping
Cast on at beg of RS rows as foll: 2 sts 8 (6, 4) times, 3 sts 2 (5, 8) times, 15 sts once — 72 (79, 86) sts. Work even until piece measures 8 (8<, 10)”/20 (22, 25)cm from beg, end with a RS row.