Family Circle Easy Knitting Holiday 2003

Family Circle Easy Knitting Holiday 2003

Pattern 24

Left Front
Shoulder shaping

2nd line down should read: 6 (7, 7, 8) sts twice….

Article: Woolly Passions-Erika Knight, book contact correction.

In the Holiday 2003 issue of FCEK, Woolly Passions article, page 24, we printed incorrect contact information for the book, Simple Kits for  Easy Living by Erika Knight The contact information should have read:

Simple Kits for Easy Living is published in the U.S. as Comforts of Home: Simple Knitted Accents by Martingale & Co., 20205 144th. Ave. NE,
Woodinville, WA 98072; (800) 426-3126; email: [email protected]; or order online at

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Cubs for Kids Pullover Chart

FCEKH03 Cubs for Kids Pullover Chart