Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 1999/2000

Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 1999/2000

Patterns #7 and 8

The color blue heather #41253 has been discontinued by Lane Borgosesia.
Please use the substitute color #41254 blue or #306 dk green.

Pattern #13

Use G/6 (4.5mm) crochet hook.

Pattern #19

Change to larger needles before beg cable pat.

Pattern #24

Row 1 (WS)

Pattern #47

The size dpn needles used are 4 (3.5mm).
Turn heel
Next row (WS)
P10 (12, 14, 14), p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 2 Sl 1, k3 (5, 5, 3), SKP, k1, turn.
Row 3 Sl 1, p4 (6, 6, 4), p2tog, p1, turn.
Row 4 Sl 1, k5 (7, 7, 5), SKP, k1, turn.
Cont in this way always having 1 more st before dec and SKP on RS rows, p2tog on WS rows until all sts have been worked—10 (12, 14, 14) sts rem. Do not turn.
Shape instep
Next rnd With same needle pick up and k 9 (10, 12, 13) sts along side of heel piece (Needle 1); with Needle 2, k next 18 (20, 24, 26) sts (instep); with Needle 3, pick up and k 9 (10, 12, 13) sts along other side of heel piece, with same needle, k 5 (6, 7, 7) sts from first needle—36 (40, 48, 52) sts. Mark center of heel for end of rnd. K 1 rnd.
Cont to work in pat until foot measures 3 (4, 5, 7) “/ 7.5 (10, 14, 17.5)cm or 1(1, 2, 2)”/4 (4, 5, 5)cm less than desired length from back of heel to end of toe.
Shape toe
Rnd 2 Knit. Rep last 2 rnds 6 (6, 8, 8) times more—8 (12, 12, 16) sts. Place 4 (6, 6, 8) sts on 2 needles and weave tog using Kitchener st.