Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 2001/02

Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 2001/2002

Pattern #1

Correction is underlined.

The measurement at the lower edge of the back schematic should read:
15 ½ (16 ½, 17 ½, 18 ½)”

Pattern #18

Page 81.

Correction is underlined.

Cast on 130 sts.
Beg with a WS row, k 1 row, p 1 row, k 1 row. Row 4 (RS)…

Pattern #27

Page 90

Correction is underlined.

Lines 1 and 2, should read:
With A, pick up 17 sts purlwise along side…

Pattern #28

Page 90.

Row 33 should read:
Row 33 K16, SK2P, k16—33 sts.

Pattern #30

Correction is underlined.

The body of the lamb motif is worked in seed stitch.

Pattern #39

Correction is underlined.

The end of line 12 should read:
“Rep rows 1-4 for 2 (2, 3, 3) times more. Change to MC.”

Pattern 21, Cat Afghan

Click here to download this page in [PDF 449KB] 


Pattern 21, Cat AfghanNaturally Aran 10 ply by Naturally/S.R. Kertzer, Ltd., 3½oz/100g balls, each approx 187yds/170m (wool)

• 3 balls #150 ecru (A)
• 6 balls #151 pale grey (B)
• 4 balls each #158 brown (C) and #157 grey (D)
• 2 balls #154 dk grey (E) Mohair Plus 12 ply, 1¾oz/50g balls, each approx 110yds/100m (mohair/wool/nylon)
• 1 ball #22 dk rust (F) Woodland 12 ply, 1¾oz/50g balls, each approx 110yds/100m (mohair/acrylic/nylon/polyester)
• 1 ball each #01 cream (G) and #04 grey (H) Aspiring Cafe 10 ply, 1¾oz/50g balls, each approx 85ydsyds/77m (wool/alpaca fleece/mohair/nylon), 1 ball each #715 black (I), #714 tan (J) and #711 grey (K)
• One pair size 7 (4.5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
• Crochet hook size F/5 (4mm)
• Tapestry needle

FINISHED MEASUREMENTS Approx 49½ x 74½”/125.5 x 189cm

GAUGE 60 sts and 78 rows (one square) to 12½”/32cm over chart pat using size 7 (4.5mm) needles. TAKE TIME TO CHECK YOUR GAUGE.

(make 15, charts 1-5) Make squares foll placement diagram. The numbers on the diagram refer to the chart number. Use the corresponding colors in each chart. For example, [2] refers to chart 2, using the colors indicated in the brackets.

Long border piece (make 2 pieces-work in garter st throughout) With size 7 (4.5mm) needles and D, cast on 25 sts. Stripe seq 1 Work 10 rows D, 6 rows B, 6 rows D, 6 rows B, 10 rows D. Stripe seq 2 Work 12 rows C, 6 rows A, 6 rows C, 6 rows A, 12 rows C. Beg mouse chart 6 Work 12 rows B. Next row (RS) Work 7 sts B, work chart 6 over next 11 sts, work 7 sts B. Cont as established through 28 rows of chart (leave a long end of K for mouse tail). Work 12 rows B. Cont to work in stripe and chart pats as foll: *Stripe seq 2, stripe seq 1, stripe seq 2, mouse chart 7*; rep from * one time more using mouse chart 6, work stripe seq 2, stripe seq 1. Work 44 rows C.

Short border piece
(make 2 pieces-work in garter st throughout) With size 7 (4.5mm) needles and D, cast on 25 sts. Work stripe seq 1 as for long border piece. Stripe seq 3 Work 6 rows A, 12 rows C. Work mouse chart pat as for long border piece. Stripe seq 4 Work 10 rows C, 6 rows A, 6 rows C, 6 rows A, 10 rows C. Stripe seq 5 Work 8 rows D, 6 rows B, 6 rows D, 6 rows B, 8 rows D. Cont to work in stripe and chart pats as foll: Stripe seq 4, mouse chart pat 7, 12 rows C, 6 rows A, stripe seq 1. Work 44 rows C.

Block squares and border. Using background color or as desired, embroider face and body lines as shown on charts. Using end of K, embroider mouse tails on borders. Using I, embroider mouse nose and eyes, using photo as guide. For chart 4 squares, embroider 2 squares to show back of head, and 2 squares to show face. (use photo as guide). Sew pieces tog foll placement diagram. Sew border in place. With crochet hook and B, work 3 rnds sc around entire afghan.

Pattern #43

Download afghan flag charts. [PDF 374KB]