Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 2003/04

Family Circle Easy Knitting Winter 2003/2004

Pattern #7: Reversible Scarves

Photo on page 12. Instructions begin on page 69.

Correction is underlined.

The large photo on page 32 is reversed, showing the cable as a 6-st LC. The small photo and instructions are correct, the cable pattern is a 6-st RC.

If desired, a 6-st LC may be worked as follows: Sl 3 sts to cn and hold to front of work, k3, k3 from cn.

Row 8 [K1, p1] 3 times, 6-st RC…

Pattern 20, Blanket Instructions

Page 78

Approx 23″ x 32″/58cm x 81cm

12 balls Colour 4 Me by Shepherd/Classic elite Yarns in #SC4953 bright pink
One pair size 6 (4mm) needles or size to obtain gauge
Size G/6 (4mm) crochet hook

16 sts and 32 rows to 4″/10cm over basketweave pat using size 6 (4mm) needles.

Basketweave Pat
(multiple of 12 sts plus 6)
Rows 1, 3, 5 and 7 (RS) K6, *p6, k6; rep from * to end.
Row 2 and all WS rows K the knit sts and p the purl sts.
Rows 9, 11, 13 and 15 P6, *k6, p6; rep from * to end.
Row 16 Rep row 2.
Rep rows 1-16 for basketweave pat

Cast on 90 sts. Work in basketweave pat for 32″/81cm, end with a pat row 16. Bind off.

Block to measurements.
With RS facing and crochet hook, work 1 rnd sc evenly around outside of afghan. Do not turn. Work 1 rnd of backwards sc (from left to right) in each sc.

Pattern 22

Raglan armhole shaping
Rep dec row every other row 3 (3, 3, 6, 7) times more, then every 4th row 7 (8, 9, 8, 8) times—34 (36, 36, 38, 38) sts.

Raglan armhole shaping
Rep dec row every row 3 (1, 0, 1, 1) times more, then every other row 16 (19, 21, 22, 23) times—10 (14, 14, 14, 14) sts.


Warm Up America! Contest Knit Grand Prize Winner



• Any worsted weight yarn in following colors:
• 2 skeins each in lavender (A) and royal (D)
• 1 skein in amethyst (B) and starbrights ombre (C)
Note: Original was made in Super Saver by Red Heart/Coats & Clark, 8oz/227g skeins, each approx 452yd/414m (acrylic) and Super Saver Ombre by Red Heart/Coats & Clark, 6oz/170g skeins, each approx 348yd/319m (acrylic)
• One pair size 8 (5mm) needles OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
• Size 9 (5.5mm) circular needle, 29”/73.5cm long OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
• One size 9 (5.5mm) needle OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGE
• Size H/8 (5mm) crochet hook

Approx 39 x 51”/99 x 129.5cm

• 15 sts and 22 rows to 4”/10cm over St st using size 8 (5mm) needles.
• 13 sts and 28 rows to 4”/10cm over garter st using size 9 (5.5mm) circular needle.

1) The fish body is worked in a modular fashion working shells and half-shells one at a time.
2) The border is worked in 8 separate sections in a free form manner, using dec and short rows to fill in areas.
3) The irregular edge is created by working short rows and binding off as desired.

(wrap and turn – w&t)
Right side

1) Wyib, sl next st purlwise.
2) Move yarn between the needles to the front.
3) Sl the same stitch to LH needle. Turn work, bring yarn to the WS side between the needles. One st wrapped.
4) When you have completed the short row, knit to just before the wrapped st. Insert RH needle under the wrap and place it on LH needle. Knit it tog with next stitch on LH needle.
Wrong side
1) Wyif, sl next st purlwise.
2) Move yarn between the needles to the back or work.
3) Sl same stitch to LH needle. Turn work, bring yarn to the WS side between the needles. One stitch wrapped.
4) When you have completed the short row, knit to just before the wrapped st. Insert RH needle from behind into back lp of the wrap and place it on LH needle. Knit it tog with next stitch on LH needle.

Use straight needles throughout.
Shell Row 1
Base triangles (make 3)
With A, cast on 11 sts. Work in p1, k1 rib for 6 rows. Dec 1 st each side on next row, then every other row 3 times more, end on a WS row—3 sts. Work even for 2 rows. Next row (RS) SK2P. Fasten off last st.
Shell 1
With RS of first triangle facing and C, pick up and k 8 sts evenly spaced along left side edge of triangle, cast on 13 sts, then pick up and k 8 sts evenly spaced along right side edge of 2nd triangle—29 sts. Knit next 2 rows. Row 1 (WS) Knit. Row 2 K1, *sl 1 wyib, k1; rep from * to end. Row 3 K1, *sl 1 wyif, k1; rep from * to end. Row 4 Knit. Rep rows 1-4 once more. Next (dec) row (WS) K1, [k2tog] 14 times—15 sts. Rep rows 2-4. Next (dec) row (WS) K2, [k2tog, k1] 4 times, k1—11 sts. Cont in p1, k1 rib for 4 rows. Dec 1 st each side on next row, then every other row 3 times more, end on a WS row—3 sts. Work even for 2 rows. Next row (RS) SK2P. Fasten off last st.
Shell 2
With RS of 2nd triangle facing and C, pick up and k 8 sts evenly spaced along left side edge of triangle, cast on 13 sts, then pick up and k 8 sts evenly spaced along right side edge of 3rd triangle—29 sts. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, work as for shell 1.
Shell Row 2
Shell 3

With A, cast on 14 sts, then pick up and k 1 st in top of first triangle, then pick up and k 14 sts evenly spaced along right side edge of first shell—29 sts. Knit next 2 rows. Row 1(WS) Knit. Row 2 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyib, k1; rep from * to end. Row 3 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1; rep from * to end. Row 4 With A, knit. Rep rows 1-4 once more. Next (dec) row (WS) With A, k1, [k2tog] 14 times—15 sts. Rep rows 2-4 using C instead of B. Next (dec) row (WS) With A, k2, [k2tog, k1] 4 times, k1—11 sts. Cont in p1, k1 rib for 4 rows. Dec 1 st each side on next row, then every other row 3 times more, end on a WS row—3 sts. Work even for 2 rows. Next row (RS) SK2P. Fasten off last st.
Shell 4
With A, pick up and k 14 sts evenly spaced along left side edge of shell 1, pick up and k 1 st in top of 2nd triangle, then pick up and k 14 sts evenly spaced along right side edge of shell 2. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 3.
Shell 5
With A, pick up and k 14 sts evenly spaced along left side edge of shell 2, pick up and k 1 st in top of 3rd triangle, then cast on 14 sts. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 3.
Shell Row 3
Shell 6

With C, cast on 14 sts, then pick up and k 15 sts along right side edge of shell 3. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1.
Shell 7
With C, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of shell 3, pick up and k 1 st in top of shell 1, then pick up and k 14 sts along right side edge of shell 2. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1.
Shell 8
With C, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of shell 4, pick up and k 1 st in top of shell 2, then pick up and k 14 sts along right side edge of shell 5. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1.
Shell 9
With C, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of shell 5, then cast on 14 sts. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1.
Shell Row 4
Shell 10 (RH half-shell)

With A, pick up and k 15 sts along right side edge of first shell of row below. Knit next 2 rows. Row 1(WS) Knit. Row 2 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyib, k1; rep from * to end. Row 3 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1; rep from * to end. Row 4 With A, knit. Rep rows 1-3 once more. Next (dec) row With A, k1, [k2tog] 3 times, k2—9 sts. Rep rows 1-3 using C instead of B. Next (dec) row With A, [k1, k2tog] 3 times—6 sts. Knit next row. Next row (RS) K2, [p1, k1] twice. Next row [P1, k1] twice, p2. Rep last 2 rows twice more, end with a WS row. Cont in rib pat and dec 1 st at end of next row, then at same edge every other row 3 times more, end on a WS row—2 sts. Work even for 2 rows. Next row (RS) SSK. Fasten off last st.
Shell 11
With A, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of first shell of row below, pick up and k 1 st in top of shell of row below, then pick up and k 14 sts along right side edge of next shell of row below. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 3. Working in the same manner, work shells 12 and 13.
Shell 14 (LH half-shell)
With A, pick up and k 15 sts along left side edge of last shell of row below. Knit next 2 rows. Row 1(WS) Knit. Row 2 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyib, k1; rep from * to end. Row 3 With B, k1, *sl 1 wyif, k1; rep from * to end. Row 4 With A, knit. Rep rows 1-3 once more. Next (dec) row With A, k2, [k2tog] 3 times, k1—9 sts. Rep rows 1-3 using C instead of B. Next (dec) row With A, [k2tog, k1] 3 times—6 sts. Knit next row. Next row (RS) [K1, p1] twice, k2. Next row P2, [k1, p1] twice. Rep last 2 rows twice more, end with a WS row. Cont in rib pat and dec 1 st at beg of next row, then at same edge every other row 3 times more, end on a WS row—2 sts. Work even for 2 rows. Next row (RS) SSK. Fasten off last st.
Shell Row 5
Shell 15

With C, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of half-shell of row below, pick up and k 1 st in top of shell of row below, then pick up and k 14 sts along right side edge of next shell of row below. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1. Working in the same manner, work shells 16 and 17.
Shell 18
With C, pick up and k 14 sts along left side edge of next shell of row below, pick up and k 1 st in top of shell of row below, then pick up and k 14 sts along right side edge of half-shell of row below. Knit next 2 rows. Beg with row 1, cont to work as for shell 1. For shell rows 6-10, rep shell rows 4 and 5 twice more, then shell row 6 once.
Shell Row 11
Shell 42 (half-circle shell)

Work as for shell 15 until 2nd dec row is completed—11 sts. Knit next row. Next (dec) row K1, [k2tog] 5 times—6 sts. Knit next row. Bind off all sts knitwise. Working in the same manner, work shells 43 to 45.
With RS facing, straight needles and A, pick up and k 77 sts evenly spaced across top edge of half-circles. Work even in garter st for 3 rows, end with a WS row. Cont in garter st and work in stripe pat as foll: *work 2 rows B and 2 rows A; rep from * twice more. Drop B and cont with A only.
Head shaping
Row 1 K9, [k2tog, k17] 3 times, k2tog, k9—73 sts. Rows 2-4 Knit.
Row 5 K9, k2tog, k16, k2tog, k15, k2tog, k16, k2tog, k9—69. Rows 6-8 Knit.
Row 9 K8, [k2tog, k15] 3 times, k2tog, k8—65. Rows 10-12 Knit.
Row 13 K8, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k14, k2tog, k8—61. Rows 14-16 Knit.
Row 17 K7, [k2tog, k13] 3 times, k2tog, k7—57. Rows 18-20 Knit.
Row 21 K7, k2tog, k11, k2tog, k13, k2tog, k11, k2tog, k7—53. Rows 22-24 Knit.
Row 25 K6, [k2tog, k11] 3 times, k2tog, k6—49. Rows 26-28 Knit.
Row 29 K6, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k11, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k6—45. b Knit.
Row 31 K5, [k2tog, k9] 3 times, k2tog, k5—1. Row 32 Knit.
Row 33 K4, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k9, k2tog, k8, k2tog, k4—37. Row 34 Knit.
Row 35 K4, [k2tog, k7] 3 times, k2tog, k4—33. Row 36 Knit.
Row 37 K3, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k3—29. Row 38 Knit.
Row 39 K3, [k2tog, k5] 3 times, k2tog, k3—25. Row 40 Knit.
Row 41 K2, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k5, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k2—21. Row 42 Knit.
Row 43 K2, [k2tog, k3] 3 times, k2tog, k2—17. Row 44 Knit.
Row 45 K1, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k3, k2tog, k2, k2tog, k1—13. Row 46 Knit.
Row 47 K1, k2tog, k7, k2tog, k1—11.
Row 48 Knit. Mark beg and end of last row for beg of mouth. Work even in reverse St st for 2”/5cm, end with a WS row. Bind off.
With RS facing, straight needles and A, pick up and k 58 sts evenly spaced across first row of triangles and shells. Purl next row. Cont in St st and inc 1 st each side every other row 13 times, then every row 6 times, end with a WS row. Bind off 96 sts.

With hook and B, ch 6. Join ch with a sl st forming a ring. Rnd 1 Ch 3, work 15 dc over ring. Join rnd with a sl st in 3rd ch of ch-3. Rnd 2 Ch 1, work 2 sc in each st around. Join rnd with a sl st in ch-1. Fasten off.

With hook and using blue/green/purple section of C, ch 6. Join ch with a sl st forming a ring. Rnd 1 Ch 3, work 15 dc over ring. Join rnd with a sl st in 3rd ch of ch-3. Fasten off.
Work as for small bubble until rnd 1 is completed; do not fasten off. Rnd 2 Ch 1, work 2 sc in each st around. Join rnd with a sl st in ch-1. Fasten off.
Work as for small bubble until rnd 1 is completed; do not fasten off. Rnd 2 Ch 3, work 2 dc in each st around. Join rnd with a sl st in 3rd ch of ch-3. Fasten off.

STARFISH (make 3)
With hook and C, ch 4. Join ch with a sl st forming a ring. Rnd 1 Work 8 sc over ring. Rnd 2 Work 1 sc in first st, [2 sc in next st] 7 times—15 sts. Rnd 3 *Ch 7, sl st in 2nd ch from hook, sc in next ch, hdc in next ch, dc in next ch, tr in next ch, dtr in last ch, sk next 2 sts of circle, sl st in next st; rep from * around 4 times more. Fasten off.

Fold mouth in half RS facing. Sew side seams. Turn mouth RS out. On WS, sew bound-off edge to first row.
Refer to notes 2 and 3, then read through entire directions before beg to knit. For first section, position fish so head is facing towards the right and RS is facing. With circular needle and D, pick up and k 3 sts along edge between bottom of 2nd row of shells and top of 3rd triangle. Working back and forth in garter st, cont to pick up sts along edge of body and tail as needed to fill in area, AT SAME TIME, dec and use short rows as needed to keep fabric flat. Every few rows check to make sure border lies flat by pushing sts to cable section of needle and placing on a flat surface. Cont to work in this manner to top edge of body, end with a WS row, cut yarn. Using spare size 9 (5.5mm) needle, pick up and k sts from center of body to sts on circular needle, then k sts from circular needle. Change back to circular needle. Cont to dec sts at RH edge, work until you reach top of tail, then keeping sts at LH edge even, cont to dec sts at RH edge until border measures approx 4”/10cm from top edge of body, end with a WS row. Shape edge as shown or desired using short rows and bind-offs.
For 2nd section, beg at beg of head. Pick up and k sts along top edge of fish and RH side edge of first section. Dec sts at RH edge and working short rows and dec as needed, work until section is same width as first section. Shape edge as as shown or desired.
For 3rd section, beg approx 2”/5m from mouth. Pick up and k sts along front of head to top edge of fish and RH side edge of 2nd section. Keeping RH edge even and working short rows and dec as needed, work until section is same width as 2nd section; shape edge. Turn fish so head is facing towards the left. For 4th, 5th and 6th sections, rep first, 2nd and 3rd sections reversing shaping.
For 7th section, pick up and k along entire front edge, picking up sts along base of mouth on WS. Work for approx 4½”/11.5cm, shaping side edges as desired, then shape top edge.
For 8th section, pick up and k along entire back edge. Work for approx 3”/7.5cm, shaping side edges as desired, then shape top edge.
With RS facing with hook, join D with a sl st in any side edge. Rnd 1 Ch 1, making sure that work lies flat, sc evenly around entire edge. Join rnd with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off. Lightly block piece to measurements.
Using blue/green/purple section of C, embroider chain-stitch curlicue motifs along top and bottom borders; as shown. Referring to photo, sew on eye, bubbles and starfish.

Warm Up America! Contest Crochet Grand Prize Winner



• Any worsted weight yarn in following colors:
• 4 skeins oatmeal (A)
• 2 skeins each in Williamsburg blue (B) and dark colonial blue (C)
• 1 skein each in autumm red (D), black (E) and white (F)
Note: Original was made in Wintuk by Caron International, 3½oz/100g skeins, each approx 213yd/195m (acrylic)
• Size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook OR SIZE TO OBTAIN GAUGES
• Small safety pin

31 x 42”/78.5 x 106.5cm (including border)

• 13 sts and 8 rows to 4”/10cm over dc using size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook.
• 14 sts and 16 rows to 4”/10cm over sc using size J/10 (6mm) crochet hook.

Join yarn with a dc Make a slip knot and place on hook. Yo, insert hook into st. Yo and draw up a lp, [yo and draw through 2 lps on hook] twice.
Join yarn with a sc Make a slip knot and place on hook. Insert hook into ch-lp. Yo and draw up a lp. Yo and draw through 2 lps on hook.

With A, ch 91. Row 1 Dc in 4th ch from hook and in each ch across—88 sts. Ch 3, turn.
Row 2 Dc in each st across. Ch 3, turn. Rep row 2 until 34 rows have been completed from beg. Ch 3, turn.
Opening for backboard
Next row For first side border, dc across first 12 sts, ch 3, turn. Work even for 33 more rows. Fasten off. Sk 64 center sts, for 2nd border, join yarn with a dc in next st, dc in last 11 sts. Ch 3, turn. Work even for 33 more rows. Ch 3, turn. Next (joining) row Dc in first 12 sts of 2nd side border, ch 64, dc in 12 sts of first side border. Ch 3, turn. Next row Dc in each st and ch across—88 sts. Ch 3, turn. Work even for 5 more rows. Fasten off.
Outside Border
From RS, join A with a sl st in center of any side edge. Rnd 1 Ch 1, making sure that work lies flat, sc evenly around entire edge, working 3 sc in each corner. Join rnd with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off. From RS, join C with a sl st in center of any side edge. Rnds 2-6 Ch 1, working through back lps only, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each corner st. Join rnd with a sl st in first sc. After rnd 6 is completed, fasten off.

With B, ch 62. Row 1 Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across—61 sts. Ch 1, turn. Row 2 Sc in each st across. Ch 1, turn. Rep row 2 until 60 rows have been completed from beg. Fasten off.
From RS, join B with a sl st in center of any side edge. Rnd 1 Ch 1, making sure that work lies flat, sc evenly around entire edge, working 3 sc in each corner. Join rnd with a sl st in first sc. Fasten off. From RS, join C with a sl st in center of any side edge. Rnds 2-5 Ch 1, working through back lps only, sc in each st around, working 3 sc in each corner st. Join rnd with a sl st in first sc. After rnd 5 is completed, fasten off.

With D, ch 3. Join ch with a sl st forming a ring. Rnd 1 (RS) Work 6 sc over ch. Mark last st made with the safety pin. You will be working in a spiral marking the last st made with the safety pin to indicate end of rnd. Rnd 2 Work 2 sc in each st around—12 sts. Rnd 3 *Sc in next st, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—18 sts. Rnd 4 *Sc in next 2 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—24 sts. Rnd 5 *Sc in next 3 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—30 sts. Rnd 6 *Sc in next 4 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—36 sts. Rnd 7 *Sc in next 5 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—42 sts. Rnd 8 *Sc in next 6 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—48 sts. Rnd —sts. Rnd 11 *Sc in next 9 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—66 sts. Rnd 12 *Sc in next 10 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—72 sts. Rnd 13 *Sc in next 11 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—78 sts. Rnd 14 *Sc in next 12 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—84 sts. Rnd 15 *Sc in next 13 sts, work 2 sc in next st; rep from * around—90 sts. Rnds 16-18 Sc in each st around. After rnd 18 is completed, fasten off.


With E, ch 40. Row 1 (RS) Sc in 2nd ch from hook and in each ch across—39 sts. Ch 1, turn. Row 2 Sc in each st across. Fasten off.
With RS of rim facing, join F with sc in first st of last row. Row 1 Ch 20, sk next 3 sts, sc in next st, [ch 20, sk next 5 sts, sc in next st] 5 times, end ch 20, sk next 3 sts, sc in last st—7 ch-lps. Fasten off, turn. Row 2 Join yarn with sc in first ch-lp, [ch 20, sc in next ch-lp] 6 times—6 ch-lps. Fasten off, turn. Row 3 Join yarn with sc in first ch-lp, [ch 20, sc in next ch-lp] 5 times—5 ch-lps. Fasten off, turn. Row 2 Join yarn with sc in first ch-lp, [ch 20, sc in next ch-lp] 4 times—4 ch-lps. Fasten off.


For background, work as foll: using crochet hook or tapestry needle and B, hook or embroider a line of chain-stitches between rnds 1 and 2 of border; as shown. For backboard, work as for background using A. On WS side of basketball, embroider details in outline stitch using E (see photo).
Place backboard over opening in background and sew in place using C. Referring to photo, position basketball on backboard so bottom edge of basketball extends approx 1½”/4cm beyond bottom edge of backboard and is centered side to side. Sew basketball in place, allowing edges of basketball to curl under slightly to give the ball dimension. Position rim of hoop over basketball so bottom edge of rim is approx 3”/7.5cm from bottom edge of basketball and is centered side to side. Fold side edges of rim under 1”/2.5cm to WS. Sew rim in place. Referring to photo, stretch the net so 4 ch-lps form vees and bottom edges of vees are approx 10½”/26.5cm from bottom edge of rim. Tack each lp in place, then tack side edges of net in place.